Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Slavery Was Not About Race

Slavery image: hands held up with broken chains

Slavery Was Not About Race

© 2020 TexasTess (

It is long past time society recognized the real villain in the history of slavery. It was never about race or skin color.

Slavery has been a threat for everyone, throughout history, if your people were ever overtaken by another people. It was a normal, catastrophic misfortune in the minds of all people, brought on by dividing humanity into groups, people against people. Tribes enslaved other tribes, whether they were African tribes, Native American tribes or Germanic tribes, regardless of skin color. Most groups have been both culprits and victims of slavery since ancient Babylon. Egypt, Israel, Greece, Rome, Persia/Syria, Muslims, Slavs, China, Japan, India, Britain, and America. For millennia, people lived by the ideas of expansion and conquering others: conquer or be conquered.

Equality Is a Modern Mindset

After thousands of years of conquest and slavery all around the world, human equality was seeded in the Magna Carta, signed when England’s King John was staring down a rebellion of land barons after unbridled taxation and abuse. The idea of all people being equal took root and grew as societies struggled back and forth to enact it and perfect it, repeatedly rising out of oppression and rebellion. At first equality was only about equalizing classes of men within a community, excluding women. To expand, it had to cut across all kinds of perceived dividing lines: cultures, genders, colors. Color became a factor, but it was only a factor, not the cause, nor the core.

The American colonies looked to the Magna Carta as they honed their declaration of independence from an oppressive English system, taking hold of the philosophy of human equality as a foundation for American laws. This underpinning was an undeniable American trait that gave substance and power in America’s own fight to break down the millennia-old practice to finally engrain a whole new mindset of human equality, freedom, and independence.

The Real Culprit: Division

The problem starts every time people participate in group think, categorize humans, magnify differences, and ignore sameness and shared experiences. Inevitably humans will elevate one group over another, minimize or subordinate a people, develop disrespect, disdain, fear, and hate for the others and start fighting for self-preservation, a fight which can’t be fought alone and will lead to a grouping of like-minded people. And the downward spiral continues.

Capitalizing on Crises

Some learned how to profit on this fight, seizing a huge opportunity for both power and money. Those people have no interest in healing the problem. Instead, they ensure it will rear its ugly head every generation. They re-seed this problem every 10-20 years. They want our children, 5-year-olds, to see racism and feel the threat, fear, and hate. They hated the movement toward color-blindness. They do NOT stand with Martin Luther King’s dream, “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

They squash every effort to draw people together, and they continuously fan the flames of racism.

BLM’s $1B directly funds democratic candidates (Bernie, Biden, Elizabeth Warren, etc.). BLM is a front for the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Do you think these lawmakers and politicians want this problem resolved? NO! The same people who have been in office for decades not only ignore the plight, but have financial interest in making it happen and allowing it to get out of control to drive citizens to beg them for government to step in and take more control, enact more laws and government programs, and tax citizens more.

America, The Scapegoat

It’s time to put a stop to the cherry-picking slavery blame-game. America’s founders and forefathers didn’t invent slavery. It was a normal institution in society when they were born. They were raised in it, and they struggled with the ‘norms’ of their day and gradually dealt with it on their own terms until the notion of human equality finally took hold at large in society. For each person, it took a moment of awakening, a series of decisions, and a time to finally take a stand. It took a long time and a lot of struggle for equality to break through the thick crust of conquest-mentality, re-constructing their economics along with it. However, do you know who is largely responsible for equality’s full bloom? Western civilization, including, in great part, America!

Don’t forget that the civil war (as well as the race war since) was largely whites fighting against whites, to the death, to break the backbone of inequality. If America were a racist country, there would never have been a Civil War. Thousands of whites fought for equality! Why are those white abolitionists never celebrated while we only hear about black slaves and evil whites? Because you are being played for someone else’s purposes. America is a very large contributor to the changed social mindset regarding slavery.

Americans have every reason to be proud and should never erase this history. Our founding fathers were already arguing the wrongs of slavery at the writing of the US Constitution; giving up equality for all became a deal-breaker for a few colonies, keeping the committee from moving forward. We have good reason for celebrating Columbus, Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and Lincoln. We haven't attained our view of equality independent of them; we are here because of them. This history serves up valuable lessons for future generations and must be preserved against the anti-America hate-mongers.

By the Way:

What countries still legally or openly allow and practice slavery today? Some even have standing in the United Nations. (See Notice they are largely ancient civilizations that haven't budged from long traditions, refusing to adopt the modern idea of equality? Where are the Americans protestors to force those countries out of the dark ages?

Where are the Americans protesting to free child sex slaves (a billion-dollar underground industry kept alive by customer demand) here in their own land? Haven't you heard?!

Why so much media over slavery that has been gone for 150 years while these other problems still exist?

And, why is it the party who promoted and fought FOR slavery wants the statues torn down and the history re-written? Think about it.